It is the onset of 2021 and a Next Generation Leaders (NGL) call appears in social media for many youths (students) around the globe, Patrick Oyenga being one of them; then a Master of Science in Research Methodology student in the Department of Horticulture and Food Security at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
As a young and enthusiast research professional, Patrick had just resigned from his full-time job at one of the popular private universities in Kenya as an assistant registrar. His intentions tenderly placed on his guesses and little experience on various youths’ groups’ leadership. Armed with rapport with various faculties and researchers from Mount Kenya University, University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University, Patrick stayed optimistic that it would yield a future leader. The interest drawn to his intentions was catapult by the visible gap existing between academia and practice. Questions that still roam and wander in his mind; Universities are meant to solve societal problems; to what extend has this happened since the beginning of Universities in Kenya?
With a brief application to the Talloires Network of Engaged Universities, Patrick succeeded in the selection of the 2021 NGL trainees in March 2021. Thanks to the existence and enabling of technology. The following six months, Patrick joined a cohort of deserving-selected and like-minded 36 young leaders around the world to equip and cultivate his leadership skills. Inclusivity in the cohort carried the day by cutting across 18 countries including Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Ireland, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mexico, Pakistan, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Uganda, and the United States. From Kenya, there were a total of 6 students distributed as follows; Strathmore (2), Kenyatta University (2), University of Nairobi (1) and JKUAT (1). Patrick Oyenga happened to be the beneficiary of the program from JKUAT.
Aligned to the 21st Century problems that demands 21st century solutions, the designers of the program had gotten their homework right. A program structured in various topics. Facilitated by paNhari, NGL organized the students who shared their experiences with community-based research, service-learning, political activism and social entrepreneurship with one another (virtually).
Comprised of both undergraduate and graduate students, NGL students focused their discussions on themes such as: Pandemic Recovery and Resilience, Innovations in Gender Equity, Structured Listening Methods and Civic Engagement Futures. The students presented reflections on these topics and proposed avenues for collaboration at the next Talloires Network Leaders Conference, co-hosted by Tufts University and Harvard University from Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, 2021.

A trace and track of Patrick’s readership skills has been smeared with tranquility since then. The journey became life changing through networked mentors and benchmarking. Across the world, networking from the NGL programme elevated my thinking from local to the global stage.
The idea of registering a Community Based Organization grew higher and higher to realization in 2024. More and greater opportunities on partnerships have been achieved on documenting progress, writing road maps for the vision as well as designing future plans. With more trainees in the locally run professional development of fresh graduates, over 40 gone through the process. More networking of community projects with higher learning institutions and partnerships. 90% of this success attributed to the training as NGL.
The acclimatization of the NGL activities for Patrick was in August 2023 during a physical gathering in Essex Woods in Bostone, US. While this was a proposal creating period, the teamwork, bonding and networking was unmatched. As Patrick, I attest and confirm that leadership life has never been the same.
Much gratitude to Taillores Network engaged University led by the able Dr. Fun (Lorlene Hoyt, PhD) and the bubbly Christina Kaltchelva. Special thanks to Phil and the entire paNhari team for organizing, conducting and carrying the burden of training the future leaders.
Thank you.